Crushing it with Colt

On February 25th 2021, Colt was born with Spina Bifida open myelomeningocele at his L5 vertebrae through his sacrum. He received a post-natal closure and two more subsequent closures due to an unusual reaction to the stitching but he hasn’t needed surgery in over a year! Fast forward to today, Colt is the light of mine, his dad and his big brother’s lives! He is a sleeping champion, is obsessed with secretly feeding his dogs under the dinner table, he is so loved by his friends and teachers at his pre-school where he loves zooming down the hallway and through the gymnasium on their ride-on toys (he’s got the fastest legs in town), bath-time and swimming are his favorite actives, and outdoor time always brings a smile to his face. Colt is bright, silly and so incredibly sweet. Colt get’s physical therapy approximately once a week and occupational therapy about two-three times a month and he is crushing his goals. Just recently, Colt was gifted a walker from a fellow mama of another kiddo with SB and it completely changed his life! He is able to keep up when friends are over and zoom across the house to get where he wants to go. He has gotten so much stronger since being gifted this freedom and independence! Every October for Spina Bifida Awareness month, I vowed to myself to help other families in the community. Last year, Colt raised $2,500 for CHOP’s Spina Bifida Program. This year, we want to fundraise through selling shirts and tumblers in addition to monetary donations that will go directly towards mobility equipment for families of kids with Spina Bifida who may not be able to otherwise afford it. We want to see other kids with Spina Bifida smile the way that Colt did when he realized how much freedom his mobility tool provides to him.
All money donated to Colt's Fund will help our foundation!

Maeve's March
Maeve Patricia is our spunky and smart 4 year old who loves dance parties, mac and cheese, and Peppa Pig. In Irish mythology, Maeve is a warrior queen. We gave her this name before she was born, during the first of her many battles— a surgery that would help prevent further damage to her spine.
Now, each week brings new victories for Maeve. She just learned how to climb into her car seat, recently overcame two surgeries and long hospital stays, and is loving preschool. Each week also brings challenges. She can’t keep up with the kids running outside, has daily headaches and we can’t figure out why, and says big kids don’t wear braces.
But it’s these ups and downs that make Maeve, Maeve. Her battles have taught her, and us, about bravery and beauty. And she may be different, but aren’t we all? We could not be more proud of our girl. Conquering the world one day at a time.
"The things that make me different are the things that make me." -Piglet